BBC Claimed and Shamed with Graham Lee
BBC Claimed and Shamed Watch an episode of BBC Claimed and Shamed where Clegg Gifford’s very own Counter Fraud Claims Manager Graham Lee exposes a fraudulent claim.
BBC Claimed and Shamed Watch an episode of BBC Claimed and Shamed where Clegg Gifford’s very own Counter Fraud Claims Manager Graham Lee exposes a fraudulent claim.
Manchester Launch Clegg Gifford is delighted to announce we’re moving address to a new branch office in Manchester .
Valeter Insurance An overview of how Tradex / CG can cover all valeters for any eventuality and any vehicles they service.
Car Dealer Insurance CG / Tradex’s motor trade policies can provide necessary cover for car dealers of all sizes.
Motor Trade An overview of the different types of cover your Motor Trade business may require or should consider.
Homefleet Overview How CG / Tradex can cover every vehicle owned by yourself and other family members, under the same policy.
Commercial Vehicle An overview of our Commercial Vehicle product and how it can be adapted to house all of your commercial insurance requirements under one policy.
Claims Overview How Tradex / CG can make your claims process simpler and a brief description of what to do in the event of an accident.